The dream to travel around the world

Most of you must have been using your passport through the door of immigration desk then fly to overseas. If you 'vet never been on holiday abroad, then what city or the beautiful beach of your dreams in your life? Maybe you are bored with city life and depressed with work or business. You definitely need a change of atmosphere to calm your nerves, and want to get rid of all the routines, which have suppressed your life this year. A beautiful Hindu temple in Bedugul, Bali . Image: Have you thought about where you would go? If you do not have an idea about the beautiful places you can imagine, then I give advice based on the continent is often a destination for a vacation. Europe has many beautiful towns and charming as Prague , Budapest, Rome, and of course Paris. Asian continent also has unique and exotic places like Tibet; Jeju Island in South Korea, Angkor Wat, and it is definitely the island of Bali , the world's last paradise.