Wonderful vacation in Sydney

Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge . Image: kirkhillephotography.com Sydney is the largest city in Australia, just like New York in United State or Tokyo in Japan. This fantastic city is often labeled as one of the most beautiful in the world due to its idyllic balance of architecture, iconic landmarks, beautiful harbour, botanic gardens, beautiful beach, fantastic zoo and impressive skyline. Kangaroo, the native Australian animal . Image: sosviagem.com.br This city has a lot of things as well as metropolitan cities like London or Bangkok, but every tourist "must see" places that have become Australia exceeding beauty icon parliament building in the capital of Australia, Canberra. If you holiday to this city, then make sure you visit The Sydney Opera House . it's easy to spend hours exploring this World Heritage architectural wonder. The Sydney Opera House is a remarkable building that is host to over 1,500 performances that draw audiences of around...